Rick Keizer I – The History
Rick Keizer was born Riccardo Cesare of an Italian father and a Dutch mother. His was passionate about hedonistic endeavours and genealogy. In the case of the latter he had traced his bloodline back to Cesare Borgia where his (I don’t recall how many great great great) grandfather was born as an illegitimate child. Ironic considering Cesare Borgia was the illegitimate son of the then Pope. I don’t know if this is true but he had a bunch of stuff that he would talk about and bring out to show people which he presented with an air of authority. He was born in 1903 and lived a very long life. I’m happy to have known him and be able to call him my friend and mentor.
The War
Through his hedonistic exploits he became well known in the BDSM communities of the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Germany and Spain. No one knows whether he was a German collaborator during the second world war or whether he was an allied spy.
He told me once that in the interest of self preservation he kept a very low profile during the war years because although many of the German officers (male) came to him for sessions, he remained very much underground. He said if he hadn’t he would have probably been killed by one of them for their fear of being exposed in the German military for their non-pure nocturnal activities.
He called it the beautiful irony of the third reich because they portrayed a very hard line macho image, had a very flamboyant nature about them (Rick’s words) and a lot of them practiced BDSM as submissives to another man, just they couldn’t tell anyone for fear of exposure.
When the War is Over

During the early stages of the war he changed his name to Rick Keizer (which was a direct translation from the Italian to Dutch) and it was by this name that he was predominantly known. After the war and with the liberation of people and feelings across Europe, he became a much sought after Master by many women who were living frustrated lives. During the war they had been active and useful. Now the war was over their men were home and expected them to be housewives again. Rick Keizer was the outlet for many of them to have excitement back in their lives.
He trained many to be slaves and helped others to improve their mindsets in simply being very good subs. Many of those he trained as slaves were trained to be that for their husbands to whom the wives had confessed at some time that they were seeing Rick. Others left their husbands because the relationships were deeply unsatisfying and unreconcilable.
How I Met Rick Keizer I
I first met Rick at a private gentleman’s club (not a brothel but an old style club for businessmen) in Antwerp back in the late 1980’s where we shared conversation over a few Cuban cigars and some Louis Tres. He looked old enough to be the grandfather of Moses.
I was a young early 20’s kid from Australia who already chose to enjoy the better things in life and had (without really realising what it was) a very hedonistic outlook on life. I’m grateful he took a liking to me and an interest in me, and showed me into his world. He trained or better said mentored me in the art of being a Dominant and a Master. He taught me that there is a significant difference between the psychological side of BDSM and the physical side and taught me to appreciate and be grateful for the gift that was the psychological side of it.
I recall how he always had a bunch of female subs and/or slaves hanging around his house doing stuff for him. In the early days of our relationship and his mentoring he would say to me (along the lines of because we spoke Dutch, he spoke five languages, I speak three) “look at me, I’m an old man and it takes effort to get my cock hard. I have to choose my moments and make each of them count. The brain can be willing but if the mind is not driving it there is no point”.

A Fundamental Truth
As a young man I was (like I guess most young men full of testosterone) driven by my desire to orgasm as often as possible, ideally with a girl at the end of my cock but masturbation would suffice too if there was no willing girl around. Rick said to me one day “if you want sex just take any one of these women and do your bit. They will service you and be happy about doing it, but all you will be doing is fucking the body which is nice but actually unfulfilling. When you fuck their mind you will have a fulfilling experience.”.
It took a while for me to understand what he meant and when I finally really understood it in my late 20’s, the difference was mind blowing.
Exit Rick Kezier I

He retired from being a professional BDSM Master on his 90th birthday just as I was in New York building my third business and he died two years later. I recall flying back from NYC to attend his funeral with a small group of his close friends and the slaves still in service to him. When he died he had a stable of more than 20 slaves and he left his entire accumulated wealth to his no. 1 slave Carlotta who basically pissed it up against a wall and shot it up her arm. She followed him to the grave a couple of years later in her mid forties.

The Legacy
Just before he retired he offered to me upon his retirement to use his name Rick Keizer to deliver professional BDSM services. Whilst I was honoured he would ask me I was reluctant. He said that it was he who would be honoured because he knew I would respect his values, and would honour his memory when he was gone, in everything I did under the name of Rick Keizer. I guess he knew he was dying and this was a way his legacy would live on, and he was right about the values and memory. I’m certain he would be happy with the direction his name has taken, providing valuable performance coaching, relationship coaching and Master and Dominatrix training, based on the principles he taught me almost three decades ago.
I’ve only ever had two people ask me about my choice of name, and undoubtedly they had no expectation of the story and the history behind it. I guess most people simply don’t think about it, or assume it is my birth name. Until now the story has been something I have always kept close and personal, revealing only as an honest response to a direct question. To honour the person who was Riccardo Cesare I’m sharing it publicly with you now.