Relationship Coaching for Couples

Ds Couple Rick Keizer Relationship Coaching for Couples
  • Do you feel deeply connected in your relationship?
  • Is the sexual energy between you and your partner electric?
  • Do you feel your relationship needs are being nurtured and fulfilled?
  • Do you desire to build self-awareness and confidence in your relationship?
  • Do you desire to remove relationship obstacles that are holding you back?
  • Do you desire to reinvigorate your relationship?
  • Do you desire more intimacy and passion in your relationship?

Ricks Relationship Coaching for Couples requires both parties to desire having honest, unbiased interactions with each other. Coaching is very much NOW focused with a vision of the collective desires of the partners for the future.

Rick’s role is to empower you both to discover and release the potential that is within you to explore and enjoy unapologetically the deepest desires you possess within. He directs and guides partners through safe and consensual power exchange and BDSM at arms length. Direct interaction to demonstrate or more actively lead happens only at the request and approval of both partners.

Many people believe that their desires are diametrically opposed to those of their partner. Rick has been effective in removing their self imposed barriers and helping couples achieve the outcome both partners want.

Rick’s Relationship Coaching for Couples does not encourage dependence, but a way for you to be self empowered. Relationship Coaching for Couples is a collaborative process of facilitating your ability to self-direct learning and growth, and is visible by lasting changes in self-understanding, self-concept and behaviour.

Your commitment to openness and action is essential to your success. Rick helps you to refine and energise your intentions until they emerge as your reality. Rick’s Relationship Coaching for Couples  helps move you from awareness to responsibility to action to results.

Relationship Coaching for Couples is monthly face-to-face in a 4.5/5 star hotel room or serviced apartment. After there is a notable shift sessions can be moved to the privacy of your home if you desire.  Additional email and telephone or video conferencing support is also available, either weekly or fortnightly.